Friday 11th October - The children in Year 5 created short role plays today to act out what it means to be a peacemaker. The Year 5 Scripture is one of the Beatitudes - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.' The children used this to show what it means to be a peacemaker and learnt how we are all part of God's Family and we are all made to be Holy. Click here to watch their short videos!
Thursday 3rd October - National Poetry Day 2024 - Year 5 studied the poem 'Paean' by Kate Wakeling today as part of their National Poetry Day work. They came up with their own ideas for a pea, worked on their expressive language and oracy skills, generated ideas to create thier own poem, wrote their own poems and finally performed their poems to each other! They worked extremely hard and created some fantastic poetry. Click here to watch their performances!