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Year 5

Thursday 6th February - Jacob, Henrietta and Rostyslav led a Celebration of the Word today. They had worked hard on their presentation and led a fanastic session based on The Last Supper.

Friday 31st January - Year 5 experimeted with tennis balls, torches and the globe today in their science lesson as they were learning about how we have day and night. They learnt about the Earth's rotation and the fixed position of the sun. They then discussed time zones and how it would be strange if we didn't have them!

Tuesday 21st January - Today our Manchester United Eco Reds and our Manchester United Leaders did an assembly each to inform the rest of the school about their roles. They had each created a powerpoint presentation to introduce themselves and told the school what they do in their important roles in school.

Wednesday 16th January - Year 5 have designed and constructed their pop-up books in their recent Design Technology lessons. Today, they visited Year 1 to share their books with the children. The design brief was to create a pop-up book appropriate for a 5/6 year old. The Year 1 children thoroughly enjoyed sharing the books and the Year 5 children did a great job at making them and sharing them with their target consumer!

December - The Year 5 children have been working on their 3D installations in their art lessons this term. They created an exhibition space, then used lego men and lighting techniques to showcase their installations.

Friday 15th November - Year 5 welcomed their families in today to watch their wonderful class assembly!

Year 5 Assembly

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Jonah, Julia, Nabeel and Savannah are at Manchester United today taking part in the Leadership Academy as part of their roles in school this year as Sports Leaders!

Thursday 7th November - Year 5 visited Lancashire Cricket Club today for the ‘Education without boundaries’ day. They had a great time playing and learning about cricket!


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Thursday 17th October - Year 5 got to put their designs into action today and started to build their Doodlers! Having assessed the form and function of a doodler, they used their designs to create their own! They discovered that the Doodler wasn't as easy to make as it may look!


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Tuesday 15th October - Composition in today's clarinet lesson.

Tuesday 15th October - Clarinet Lesson

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Tuesday 15th October - Clarinet Lesson

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Friday 11th October - The children in Year 5 created short role plays today to act out what it means to be a peacemaker. The Year 5 Scripture is one of the Beatitudes - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.' The children used this to show what it means to be a peacemaker and learnt how we are all part of God's Family and we are all made to be Holy. Click here to watch their short videos! 

Sister Sledge - We Are Family (Official Music Video)

The Chainsmokers, Kygo - Family (Lyrics / Lyric Video)

Sam Ryder - Mountain (Official Lyric Video)

Thursday 3rd October - National Poetry Day 2024 - Year 5 studied the poem 'Paean' by Kate Wakeling today as part of their National Poetry Day work. They came up with their own ideas for a pea, worked on their expressive language and oracy skills, generated ideas to create thier own poem, wrote their own poems and finally performed their poems to each other! They worked extremely hard and created some fantastic poetry. Click here to watch their performances!

National Poetry Day - Noor and Liarnah-Rae...It's not a pea....

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National Poetry Day - Isaac and Yiming...It's not a carrot....

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National Poetry Day - Zunaira...It's not a pea....

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National Poetry Day - Maya...It's not a grape....

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National Poetry Day - Henrietta...It's not a pea....

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National Poetry Day - Kree...It's not a carrot....

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National Poetry Day - Noor...It's not a pea....

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National Poetry Day - Jacob...It's not a pea....

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National Poetry Day - Amanda...It's not a carrot....

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National Poetry Day - Olivia...It's not a pea....

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Tuesday 1st October - Luqman, Kree, Amanda and Henrietta are the new Year 5 Eco Reds and attended the launch today at Old Trafford! They’ll be working hard this year to improve the sustainability of our school!

Science - Properties of Materials - This half term we have been looking at properties of materials in Science. We have looked at why certain materials are chosen given their specific properties, which materials conduct electricity, whether a material is a good insulator or not, which materials are soluble or insoluble and finally how we can separate mixtures using a variety of methods!

Thursday 26th September - Luqman, Olivia and Kree led a Celebration of the Word today. They had worked hard on their presentation and led a fanastic session.

Tuesday 17th September - Year 5 started their clarinet lessons this week with Trafford Music Service. All the children learnt how to connect the mouthpiece to the barrel and were able to make a noise! They took their clarinets home to practise before next week’s lesson.

Monday 16th September - Year 5 carried out an experiment today to find the best way to keep Mr Winstanley’s coffee warmer for longer! They were looking at thermal conductivity in their science lessons about materials and their properties.

Year 5 started their maths lessons by ensuring they could represent numbers in many different ways using the different types of maths equipment we find in school!

The year 5 children created a new class contract today for the start of the year!

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