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Modern Foreign Language

At St Alphonsus RC Primary School, we put Christ at the centre of our teaching and learning.  Our curriculum stems from our Mission Statement: 

God lives in me. I am His witness. 

I respect everybody, everybody respects me. 

In our loving school, everyone is unique. 

Just like the flowers in the field, as they

grow, we too grow in God’s love each day.


The life and teaching of Jesus and the values of the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life.


Why do we teach MfL at St Alphonsus RC Primary School? 


A l'école de St Alphonsus RC Primary School, les langues sont importantes.


At St Alphonsus RC Primary School, we want our children to develop their linguistic competence; explore the different sounds that the language has to offer and notice the similarities and differences between their own language and the chosen second language. 

Learning a new language should be seen as a life-long skill; it can open up new avenues of communication and exploration as well as promoting, encouraging and instilling a broader cultural understanding.


Our curriculum is designed to develop learning through a range of spoken and written activities which the children can fully embrace. We want them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills which enables them to access the wider curriculum and to prepare them to be a global citizen now and in their future roles as adults within a global community. The students will know more, remember more and understand more. As a result, our children will develop the knowledge to be able to communicate in a language other than English.

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