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Gallery Archive: 2021-2022

Wednesday 6th July 2022 - This evening some of our Year 4 and 5 children were lucky enough to take part in the choir, singing at the 'Fan Zone' at Old Trafford ahead of the opening game in the Women's Euros 2022! The children were fantastic and yet again did us very proud! Take a look at the pictures and also the Video Resource Library to see the film!

Wednesday 6th July 2022 - This morning some of our Year 4 and 5 children were lucky enough to get a first glimpse of the 'Fan Zone' at Old Trafford ahead of the opening game in the Women's Euros 2022! The children had a great time on many different activities and did St Alphonsus proud!

Wednesday 29th June 2022 - Red Day!! All classes enjoyed 'Red Day' today where the MUFC Foundation came in and hosted a number of sporting activities! Each class enjoyed time on the field taking part in the activities and the weather stayed on side! The children even met Fred the Red! Take a look...

Wednesday 25th May 2022 - Today we celebrated The Queen's Jubilee in school! We had a special assembly, completed lots of fun activities and had a special Jubilee picnic lunch!

18th May 2022 - See attached letter for a Half Term ticket offer from Lancashire Cricket Club!

Friday 13th May 2022 - Stuart and Tom from the National Children's Choir of GB came in to school today and worked with the KS2 children in a singing workshop. All involved had a great time!

Easter Prize Draw! Some of our class winners from our Easter prize draw. Children have been earning tokens during lent and today was the day of the draw! Well done to all our children for their efforts in earning the tokens and our also our winners!

23rd March 2022 - World Maths Day! To celebrate World Maths Day - all classes in school either took part in a TT Rockstars competition or played some maths games in their classes! Everybody had a great day and worked really hard! Take a look...

Thursday 10th February 2022 - Nature Friendly Schools came in again today! Children from Y1-Y6 learnt about the fire triangle and fire safety. They also got to toast marshmallows! It was great fun...take a look!

Friday 4th February 2022 - NSPCC Rocks! Today we all took part in the TT Rockstars event - NSPCC Rocks! Years 2 - 6 all played on TT Rockstars through the day to play along in the tournament!

Thursday 9th December 2021 - Christmas Dinner Day! All the children and staff enjoyed Christmas Dinner today in school! A fantastic effort by our lovely kitchen staff! Well done!

Monday 22nd November 2021 - Seven Year 5 and 6 girls took part in the MUFC Girl's Football Tournament today. All the girls represented school superbly and came third overall! Well done girls! They will be back at The Cliff training ground later in the year for the finals!

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