Home Page


Welcome to St. Alphonsus R.C. Primary School.  This is a school where our children enjoy their learning, the staff work hard to establish a caring Christian community and everyone is valued equally. We regard it as a privilege to work with parents in every aspect of their children’s learning and development.  We have high expectations for all our children and provide a rich and varied curriculum with an emphasis on enjoyment and enquiry.  St. Alphonsus is a happy school and we believe we achieve this by providing a safe and secure environment in which our children grow and learn with confidence.


We would very much like you to visit our school to see for yourself the wonderful school that we have in Old Trafford.  A feature that visitors to St. Alphonsus often comment upon is the caring atmosphere and ethos that permeates our school.  We hope that you are also aware of this caring atmosphere and that you feel you would want to entrust us with the education and care of your child.


I look forward to meeting you in the near future and working with you during your child’s time at St. Alphonsus.



Mrs Tina Birds


Our Patron


St Alphonsus was born in Naples in 1696. He became a lawyer and then a priest. He founded the Redemptorist order. He wanted to lead a truly Christian life, so he spent his time preaching and writing. He became a Bishop but gave up the post and returned to his own order of priests. He died in 1787 aged 91. His feast day is August 1st.


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