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Year 4

Friday 3rd May - The Mini Vinnies produced posters to promote the biscuit, cake and book sale they are organising!

Year 4 participated in the Home/Lands project at Ascension Church. The groups worked on poetry and music composition to create a poem to be recited with music. They used notation with a focus on rhythm and identified major and minor chords. The compositions will be performed later in the year after all schools have participated.

Friday 26th January - Year 4 welcomed their families in today to watch them perform their class assembly.

January - Year 4 carried out an investigation to understand, find out how and compare sound travelling through air, solid and water.

Using atlases, Year 4 have located the countries of Europe.

Year 4 visited the local library at Limelight. It was fun learning about how the library is organised, becoming members and taking home books to read.

In preparation for INTERFAITH week (12-19 Nov), Year 4 met with their buddy class from Afifah Islamic School. We played some ice-breaker games to begin with, followed by some free playtime where we showed each other our playground games and finished the day chatting over refreshments. We look forward to meeting up again soon.

As a class, we made Memory Matchboxes. We decorated the outside to reflect our loved one, what they liked and their name. Inside, we wrote a special message for them. Some of us worked at home on Ofrendas with our families.

Autumn 1 - In Year 4, we have been looking at The Circus by Henri Matrisse. This was the inspiration for our artwork. We used wax crayons to create a background, then painted over it with dark paint to create a wax resist pictures. Our work is displayed outside our classroom.

Autumn 1 - Year 4 were invited to Ascension Church in Hulme to participate in a Gospel Choir Workshop. The children battled the elements and received a warm welcome from Fr. Azariah and Anthony from the choir. It was a truly uplifting and enriching morning.

Autumn 1 - When we were doing a Science enquiry about teeth, we used eggs to compare and contrast the effect of different liquids on the shells. We concluded that high sugar energy caused the most damage to teeth.

Autumn 1 - A local artist from OT Creative Space worked with Year 4 on a project called ‘Rubbish Art.’ Lynda demonstrated fun ways to get our message across about keeping our community a litter free zone.

Autumn 1 - Year 4 enjoy weekly PE lessons with Mr Wood. This half term, we have been focusing on invasion games.

Autumn 1 - In RE we were learning about Islam. Some of our friends in Year 4 follow the Islamic faith so they explained some of their main beliefs, key facts and how they prayed. They gave us a quiz and we asked them questions about things we wanted to know about their faith.

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