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Gallery Archive: 2017-2018

Wednesday 18th July 2018 - Year 5/6 Trip to Treetop Nets at Heaton Park!

Heads and Deputies' 'Dinner Date'! On Monday 9th July 2018 the Head Boy and Girl and Deputy Head Boy and Girl went for lunch with Mrs Birds, Miss Harrison and Mrs Niland into Manchester!

Tuesday 19th June 2018 - Thank you to Chloe and Kate from Rattle and Roll who did a fabulous greatest Showman workshop with the Key Stage 2 children this week!

F1 and F2 had a visit from a very special person this week......

Friday 15th December 2017 - Shia and Jayden got to meet Zlatan Ibrahimovic at the MUFC Training Ground!

The Year 5 and 6 Christmas Show! Merry Christmas!

Congratulations to the Year 6 Basketball Team! Winners of the Trafford B tournament. Well done!

Year 5 and 6 have been working with the MUFC Foundation in PE. They have been learning about some of the sports disabled athletes compete in.

Thursday 2nd November 2017 - Year 5 enjoyed their 'In the Line at 5 to 9' treat today. A cinema afternoon in the hall with lots of treats, teddy bears, blankets and pillows!

Week commencing 30th October 2017 - We held three coffee mornings this week in school. The children and their parents enjoyed a drink and a biscuit! It was lovely to see so many of our parents attend. Thank you.

29th September 2017 - Years 3 and 4 - Lowry Trip and Art Workshop

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