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Year 6

Tuesday 18th July - Today we said goodbye to our Year 6 children. They performed a fantastic leavers' assembly for the whole school and their parents/guardians. We wish them all the very best in their resepctive high schools and for the future!

Friday 7th July - Some of our Year 6 girls held their clarinet performance this afternoon. They were fantastic and played a number of tunes. Click the link below to watch them on our video resource library.

July - Art and D&T: Creating a Memory Box. Children built a memory box to showcase the four still life compositions that they had produced in previous lessons. They also made a lid and a base which they illustrated with their own graphic designs depicting their memories of their time at our school. As you can see, they all did an amazing job and have a lovely keepsake to remind them of their primary school days!

Year 6 Scout Day – June 2023 Year 6 participated in a scout day full of fun activities: Fire lighting; Shelter building; Axe throwing; Shooting; Archery.

Year 6 explored mixing different tints and shades of one colour. This technique was then used to create a still life composition in colour.

Friday 26th May - Year 6 spent the day working with Jeff creating a ‘Play in a day!’ At the end of the day, they performed their Robin Hood performance to the rest of the school. All the year 6 children were fantastic and thoroughly enjoyed theirselves.

March 2023 - Year 6 had fun investigating a range of light phenomena and using a variety of optical instruments.

March 2023 - To plan and carry out a light colour mixing investigation. Year 6 conducted a fair investigation into light colour mixing. They observed and recorded their results in a table.

February 23 - The Year 6 children created a World War Two artefact from a matchbox and other materials. Each artefact had to be related to an aspect of World War Two that we have learned about (e.g. The Outbreak of the War, Evacuation or Rationing) or based on a theme from our class novel ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ ( For example ‘Dig for Victory’; ‘Loose Lips Sink Ships’; ‘Make Do and Mend’ or ‘When in Doubt, Lights Out’).

February 23 - In groups, children gave an oral and visual presentation of the life and work of Carl Linnaeus.

Febrary 23 - Modelling how we see things!

Thursday 17th November - Year 6 welcomed in their parents today for their coffee morning.

Friday 4th November - Year 6 visited Chetham's School of Music this morning to watch a concert following their workshop sessions last year!

Wednesday 19th October - Year 6 investigating what fossils are; how they were created and what they can tell us.

Friday 7th September 2022 - Year 6 performed their fantastic class assembly this morning celebrating Black History Month. Parents were welcomed in to watch their excellent performance. Well done Year 6!

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