We had a wonderful Celebration of the word this week! The children shared Sacred Scripture Exodus 20: 1-20 The Ten Commandments. As a Welcome gesture and prior to listening to Sacred Scripture, the children sat in a circle and shared the symbolic action of signing themselves with the cross using Holy Water from the Holy Land to show that the Lord is in their minds; on their lips and in their hearts.
The children were invited to the Ascension Church to take part in a fantastic workshop about Home/Lands. The groups worked on poetry and music. They used notation with a focus on rhythm and identified major and minor chords. The compositions will be performed later in the year after all schools have participated.
The children were invited to The Ascension Church to take part in a musical workshop with the Royal Northern College of Music. This was a truly inspirational experience in which all the children thoroughly enjoyed a brilliant hands-on morning of learning to play the trombone or trumpet and performing their own compositions. What an absolutely fabulous experience!
As Hunter Gatherers, Year 3 foraged around the school grounds to hunt assets for survival.
In year 3, we have assembled a human skeleton and labelled the main bones. The children looked at the main functions of the human endoskeleton.
The children have practised using clues and evidence from artefacts to develop an understanding of chronology and enquire about the past.
The children are enjoying our French Lessons with Madame Claudine. We enjoyed our French Fishing game to learn the French alphabet.
In Year 3, for our Stone Age topic, we became archaeologists and began our very own excavation.
Friday 22nd March - Year 3 invited their families in today to watch their fantastic class assembly. Their assembly was about Palm Sunday and all the children performed fantastically. Well done!
In Year 3, we carried out a soil investigation, observing different types of soils in order to guess which soil type it was. We can recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. We measured the amount of water held in each soil.
We have used a storyboard to plan out our own stop frame animation. We have used the app IMotion to carefully create them, paying attention to consistency. We have evaluated our animations.
We enjoyed celebrating being chosen as ‘Class of the Week’ today and played together in our Year 3 Family.
In Year 3, we can analyse Sacred Scripture to find meaning looking beneath the text, within the text and in front of the text. Sacred Scripture speaks to us.
Madame Claudine taught us about this special celebration for the Feast of the Epiphany in France.
In science we have learned about the process of fossilisation and then made fossils using air drying clay.
Our genre in English this half term is Non-Chronological Reports we have worked in partners to explore ordering reports, identifying features and writing and publishing our reports using the laptops.
Zoe, Jessica, Jemimah and Soteria shared their celebration of the word Matthew 3:13-17.
Dora’s Land of Counterpane - Dora had created her very own ‘Land of Counterpane’ at home.
Grouping Rocks - In Science, we enjoyed sorting and classifying rocks into the three rock groups: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary. We worked in groups to observe, sort, identify and label different rocks. We described the texture and appearance too.
Manchester United - In PE, we practised using our hand- eye coordination skills.
Super Scientists - We have carried out rock investigations to test for different properties of rocks. We investigated if rocks are permeable or impermeable and how durable different rocks are.
Classic Poetry - We are loving our new English genre of classic Poetry and are exploring the language and structural features of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Poems. We have explored the contrasting mood of the poems ‘The Land of Counterpane’ and ‘Shadow March.’
Great Geographers - A field trip of our local area to identify human geographical and physical geographical features of where we live in Greater Manchester.
Anti-Bullying week - Jane from ‘Place to Be’ showed us the importance of connecting. We all celebrated our similarities and differences and made a ‘Hand of Support’ to record all the people we can share our worries with and who we are connected to.
Day of the Dead - In year 3, we made la Calavera Skulls using bright colours and adding tissue marigold flowers.
Towey’s Tours - Hop on the ‘Towey Tour Bus’ and we will take you to any village, town, city, county or country in the UK.
Friday 3rd November - Year 3 received their Judo certificates today in our Good News Assembly from Mrs Birds. Well done Year 3!
October - Art. We have observed organic and geometric shapes on our playground and inside school, to recognise how artist use shape in drawing. We practised drawing an arrangement from observation.
October - Gymnastics. We enjoyed practising our gymnastic skills of travelling on apparatus and landing safely.
October - KS2 Singing. We absolutely love our weekly singing sessions with Miss Rooney and KS2.
October - Sensory Descriptions of a Setting. We used thesaurus to find synonyms for words to help write a sensory description for the setting of peaceful Pompeii on a normal day. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring aromatic and fragrant aromas of different herbs and spices. We felt the different textures of vibrant materials.
October - Black History Month. As part of our Black History learning, we watched a live session to celebrate the latest book in the FUTURE HERO series, ESCAPE FROM CLAY CITY! By the author, Jasmine Richards and the illustrator, Deise Lino. We listened to Jasmine Richards about the inspiration for stories and characters, and Afro futuristic settings and gave great tips on how to become fantastic authors and illustrators.
Judo 9.10.23 Our Judo Champions this week- Noah, Joy, Tristan, King David and Sindhya.
October - How we Edit and Up-Level In English, we have learned how to edit and up-level our writing. Firstly, we scan examples of writing to celebrate all the good features. Next, we find at least three ways in which we can improve our writing by editing for punctuation, grammar and vocabulary and finally, we bring our writing to a published standard using our neatest handwriting and presentation. We feel extremely proud about our work!
October - Identifying Rocks. We worked in groups to observe, sort, identify and label different rocks. We described the texture and appearance of rocks.
October - In Religion, we used a ‘word cloud’ program to create our ideas about what makes a house a home.
Tuesday 3rd October - Theo and Zoe from our class were lucky to be chosen to be mascots today for the Manchester United game against Galatasaray!
Monday 2nd October - The Y3 Judo stars this week – Aiden, Zoe, Jessica, Jemimah, Soteria and Ibraheem.
Friday 29th September - Year 3 children and the whole school enjoyed a visit by Trafford Music Service. The woodwind specialist teacher inspired us to be great musicians and learn a musical instrument. We had the pleasure of listening to one of her musical compositions played on the saxophone and had fun making a whole school band.
Thursday 28th September - Father Pat joined us in our liturgical prayer to help us examine Holy Scripture (Matthew 16:18) and (Matthew 21:1-9) and explore our big question ‘Who is your rock?’
Wednesday 27th September - Our new science topic is ROCKS. We were able to solve our ‘Geology Mystery’ and identify the rock Mrs Towey found at the beach as Pumice. This rock is an example of an extrusive igneous rock created by solidified lava. This lava has cooled very quickly on the surface of the Earth. The cooling happens so quickly that it happens as the molten lava is still bubbling! This leaves holes within the rock where the bubbles of gas were still present.
Tuesday 26th September - We investigated how igneous rocks are formed by making chocolate rocks- using different types of chocolate to represent different minerals and applied heat then cooled them to demonstrate the process of how intrusive igneous rocks are made. An example of an intrusive igneous rock is granite. Do you have any granite surfaces in your kitchen?
Monday 25th September - Year 3 Judo sessions commenced this week with Ann, the Judo teacher. We are looking forward to learning all about this fantastic sport and acquiring lots of new skills.
Tuesday 12th September - We have listened to and reflected on a fantastic piece of orchestral music : ‘In The Hall Of The Mountain King’ by composer Edvard Grieg. We look forward to inventing our own musical motifs and structuring them into a piece to perform as an ensemble.
September - In Literacy, over the next few weeks, Year 3 are reading The Pebble In My Pocket written by Meredith Hooper. We observed the rock that Mrs Towey found on her visit to the beach in Anglesey. We thought of questions we would like to ask it and explored ‘I wonder...’ statements to ponder over its journey through time.