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Year 5

Wednesday 12th June 2019 - As part of the MUFC/Virgin Money Enterprise Programme, the Year 5 children were taken to Manchester today to take part in a 'Dragon's Den' style pitch! Each team had to promote and pitch their ideas to a panel of 4 'dragons'! The children were excellent, well prepared and confident and enjoyed themselves very much! Take a look!

Some children from Year 5 were lucky enough to visit the MUFC training ground yesterday (Wednesday 1st May 2019). They enjoyed an afternoon of sports and were joined by a number of the MUFC first team players!

Tuesday 2nd April 2019 - Year 5 help out with a local litter pick!

Wednesday 13th March 2019 - We carried out our own Eucharist service in class today.

Thursday 7th March - We shared some of Year 1's favourite books for World Book Day!

Thursday 7th February 2019 - Year 5 completed their prayer hands today in readiness for the prayer tree.

Monday 4th February 2019 - Congratulations to Bryndon, Marley, Rayhan, Tegan and Callumn for being chosen as 'Pals of St Als' following their applications to Mrs Birds.

Thursday 31st January 2019 - Father Pat visited us again today and discussed the role of the Bishop in Our Diocese. He explained to us about the mission of the Diocese and how the Bishop leads the Diocese in this mission.

Friday 25th January - Year 5 enjoyed a cinema afternoon as they won the 'In the line at 5 to 9' award last term! Well done for your fantastic punctuality!

Wednesday 23rd January 2019 - A practical science lesson today to see how the moon phases work! We had the sun (torch), the moon (a ball on a stick) and the earth (Mr Winstanley's spinning chair!) to set up the demonstration and visualise the phases of the moon!

MUFC Foundation came into Year 5 to do a SuperMovers lesson with the class. Everyone in class received a SuperMovers Premier League goody bag too!

Ashley Fayth came into school to do a songwriting session with the Year 5 children. Over two sessions, the class helped write and perform a song about using sustainable palm oil.

Friday 9th November 2018 - Year 5 did a wonderful job in their assembly today about Remembrance Sunday. Well done everyone!

Thursday 8th November 2018 - Father Pat visited Year 5 today to talk about marriage.

4 Children from Year 5 are taking part in the MUFC Leadership Programme this year. This was their first visit to gather all the information about the programme and what they had to complete over the year!

The Year 5 class role played how to be a 'peacemaker' during their RE lesson this week.

The Year 5 children have written their own versions of the book 'Bee and Me' and welcomed the Year 1 children into class to read their stories!

Thursday 6th September 2018 - The Year 5 children discussed how each of them is unique and they all share different individual qualities. This activity allowed the children to express their individuality as well as showing how we are all connected as part of the Year 5 Family, the School Family and God's Family.

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