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Gallery Archive: 2019-2020

Wednesday 29th January 2020 - The GW Theatre Company visited school today to perform 'Mr Shapeshifter' to the Year 5 and 6 children. The children had an excellent afternoon. All the children understood the story well and could answer questions about situations where they must speak to a trusted adult.

Wednesday 11th December 2019 - Year 5/6 Christmas Party!

Friday 6th December 2019 - Year 5 and 6 switched on the MUFC Christmas Lights tonight! They performed Christmas songs, they'd been practising in lessons with the Foundation, incorporating sign language.

Thursday 5th December 2019 - Thank you to our wonderful kitchen staff for preparing Christmas Dinner!

The Year 5 and 6 Christmas Production!

Thursday 31st October 2019 - Year 5/6 Coffee Morning!

Tuesday 8th October 2019 - Captain Manchester came and did a very special assembly for us today. He told us about a fantastic charity called Forever Manchester and how we need to be caring and kind to each other. We will be raising money for Forever Manchester this year, starting with a non-uniform day on Friday!

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