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Gallery Archive: 2020-2021

Year 4 at Old Trafford - During half term, Year 4 got to visit Old Trafford and play on the pitch! Take a look...

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Thursday 1st April 2021 - Well done to our lucky winners so far in our Easter Draw! Thank you to all our staff and the Manchester United Foundation for donating the prizes! #MUFCFoundation #Adidas #MUFC

Well done to our Science Week Competition Winners! The children had to design a poster with the theme of innovation! We had some excellent entries all across school! Well done!

Friday 15th January 2021 - Mrs Bird's held her 'Good News Assembly' this morning as usual! It was great to see so many children log on from home to listen in! Well done everyone!

Christmas Assembly

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This is the Powerpoint Presentation used during the Christmas Assembly celebrating what the children in school have been up to during the season of Advent.

Thursday 16th December 2020 - Christmas Assembly and Token Draw! Today we held our Christmas Assembly and Advent Token Draw! Thank you to all our staff, Mrs Simcock's parents and the MUFC Foundation for their generous donations to school for all the wonderful hampers and prizes we were able to give out to the children. All classes took part in the assembly via zoom and Mrs Birds drew out the lucky winners! #christmas #advent #mufcfoundation

Thursday 10th December 2020 - St Alphonsus took part in today's 'ExTraffordWINTERganza 2020'. All classes in school had a great time listening to the concert and taking part in the songs they had learnt!

Congratulations to all the children in Year 5 and 6 who took part in the MUFC Black History Month Competition! A special Congratulations to Madison in Year 6 who won! See the article below from the match day programme and video revealing the winner!

MUFC Black History Month Competition

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Our first Good News Assembly!

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