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Gallery Archive: 2022-2023

Friday 14th July - Today during our good news assembly we said goodbye to Mrs Fearnehough and Mrs Woods. Both teachers are leaving the St Alphonsus family at the end of this academic year. Each class presented the teachers with a special farewell card. We wish you all the very best, health and happiness for the future.

Thursday 13th July - Today we said goodbye to our exchange students from Shanghai. We held a graduation ceremony where the students acted out a scene from A Midsummer Nights Dream, a music performance by Year 5 and Mrs Birds presented each of our visiting students with a special certificate.

Wednesday 12th July - Father Pat came in this afternoon to celebrate the Leavers' Mass in the school hall. The Year 6 children took part and welcomed their parents/guardians in as well. Click the link below to see Mrs Birds handing out the special crosses to each Year 6 child.

Monday 3rd July - Today we welcomed 10 students from China to our school. They are joining our Year 4 and 5 classes for two weeks to experience what school is like in the UK! They performed a welcome assembly to all the children to introduce themselves. It was fantastic!

27th June - Summer Fair - Today we held our Summer Fair! All the children had a fantastic time enjoying all the stalls from cake sales to tombolas! They even got to test their bowling speed in the Lancashire Cricket Club inflatable nets! Thank you to all our parents who helped make the day a special occasion for all to enjoy.

21st June - Today was Sports Day and the MUFC Red Day! All classes from F1 through to Year 6 spent some time outside taking part in the differenting sporting activities arranged and organised by Sophie from the Manchester United Foundation! All the children had a great time and the weather was extremely kind to us all!

Friday 12th May - Years 3, 4 and 5 headed off to Old Trafford Cricket Ground today for their open day! They had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed all the activities. A super day and the weather was kind to us!

Friday 5th May - Today we celebrated the King’s Coronation in school. We came dressed in red, white and blue, decorated our classrooms, held a special coronation lunch, had a special coronation assembly and enjoyed some coronation activities this afternoon.

Thursday 4th May - Following the succesful completion of a sustainability project with Aaron from the MUFC Foundation, Year 5 and Year 1 went out this afternoon to complete a litter pick around our school! We couldn't believe how much rubbish there was! We collected 13 bags full! We couldn't collect it all but if we all do our little bit for the planet, we can make the world a better place!

Thursday 6th April - This morning we held our special Easter Assembly. Children from all year groups helped act out the Easter Story. Following the assembly, Mrs Birds led the Lenten Token draw and our lucky winners all received an Easter Egg!

Tuesday 4th April - Year 3 and 4 performed their freeze frames of the 14 Stations of the Cross today. All classes walked through each station as part of Holy Week.

Wednesday 8th February - The Year 3 and Year 5 girls took part in a girls' development session today with Claire from the Manchester United Foundation!

Monday 6th February


Some of the Year 5 and 6 children featured on the Sky News show FYI this weekend! They were filmed in school to discuss the Green Football Weekend. 


Click here to watch the film on YouTube.

Friday 3rd February - Well done to all our classes (Y2 - Y6) for taking part in the NSPCC Rocks day through TT Rockstars! Excellent effort by all involved and winners will be revealed next week! Well done!

Friday 20th January - Congratulations to our first winner of the Caritas Salford Catholic Social Teaching Award. Awarded to Elizabeth for her efforts in putting love into action and going above and beyond in school and her community. Well done Elizabeth!

Wednesday 21st December - We held our Christmas Assembly this morning where we celebrated Advent, listened to the story of Christmas and did our Advent token prize draw. Congratulations to all our lucky winners this year and well done!

Thursday 15th December - Years 5 and 6 enjoyed their Christmas Party today. Click the link below to watch them enjoy their forfeits during pass the parcel and whether they could 'keep the keys!'

Tuesday 13th December - Years 1 and 2 enjoyed their Christmas Party this afternoon!

Thursday 8th December - Christmas Dinner Day! All the children and staff enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Dinner today! Thank you as always to our dinner staff for making it a very special and tasty day!

Friday 2nd December - 13 lucky children were chosen to go to the Chill Factore today with Manchester United. They enjoyed playing on the doughnuts, shooting down the slide and then some Christmas crafts. Each child also left with a couple of presents too! Thank you to the Manchester United Foundation for putting on the event and the children for representing St Alphonsus perfectly.

Friday 18th November - Miss Fazakerley from Trafford Music Service demonstrated instruments from the woodwind family. If anyone is interested in learning one of the instruments, please ask for information at the office.

Wednesday 16th November - St Alphonsus Bake Off 2022! Well done to everybody who took part in our school bake off and congratulations to the overall winners!

Wednesday 16th November - Planet League and Manchester United Foundation came into school this morning to announce that St Alphonsus had won this year’s planet league cup! A fantastic achievement by our school and championed throughout by Miss Rooney! Well done everybody!

The entire school held Day of the Dead celebrations by taking part in lots of wonderufl activities. Culminating in a very special assembly attended by Father Pat. Take a look and watch the related videos on our video resource page!

Teresa Clarke Assembly. Teresa Clarke from St Alphonsus Parish Church and the Medjugorje International Charity, delivered an assembly to show how the school and parish community can work in partnership together to recycle aluminium cans in order to raise money for children in Africa to have healthy meals. The Mini Vinnies, School Eco Group and Pupils at St Alphonsus School were so inspired that they are going to put their concern into action and start collecting cans.

Whole School Assembly - Remembering Her Majesty - Queen Elizabeth II

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