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Year 3

Year 3 performed their Palm Sunday class assembly today. All the children, staff and parents thoroughly enjoyed the performance. The year 3 children worked very hard to produce an amazing assembly. Click the link below to watch some videos from the assembly.

Wednesday 8th February - Year 3 enjoyed taking part in Sophie's mental health lesson today as part of Children's Mental Health Week! Thanks Sophie and the MUFC Foundation!

Father Pat deepened our understanding of our big question: Is life a journey? He helped us to understand about the Church’s Liturgical Year.

We have listened and reflected on a piece of orchestral music – Night on Bare Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky. We watched the orchestral performance and discussed. We created a movement piece inspired by the music.

After listening to Johns Gospel 1:29-34 ‘Here is the lamb of God’ and the words from our Mini Vinnie’s prayer. We used our hearts and hands to sort through cans we have been collecting as a school to test if they are non-magnetic and aluminium so they can be used in our African Appeal for the Medjugorje International charity to provide healthy meals for school children in Africa.

Thursday 10th November - Year 3 welcomed their parents in this morning for coffee morning.

Mary Seacole. We learned lots of facts and information from our friends in Year 6 during their Black History Month Assembly. We have enjoyed researching to make fact files about Mary Seacole and learning about her inspirational work.

French. Year 3 were excited to begin their French lessons today with Madame Faiza.

Who is your Rock? Father Pat joined us in our collective worship to help us examine Holy Scripture (Matthew 16:18) (Matthew 21:1-9) and explore our big question ‘Who is your Rock?’

Chocolate Rocks. We investigated different types of rocks and how rocks are formed by making chocolate rocks. We used different types of chocolate to show different minerals and applied heat or pressure or both heat and pressure to make our rocks.

Making Fossils. We became palaeontologists to find out how fossils are formed and made our own body and trace fossils.

Investigating and Grouping Rocks. We can sort and classify rocks into the three rock groups: Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. We can use topic related vocabulary to name each rock and describe their properties.

Pebble in My Pocket. We observed the pebble that Mrs Towey found on the sandy beach. We thought of questions we would like to ask it and explored ‘I wonder...’ statements to ponder over in journey through time.

Class Collective Worship for Queen Elizabeth II. We shared our prayers in a special class collective worship to commemorate our loving, dedicated and loyal Queen Elizabeth II.

Friday 7th October 2022 - In our assembly today our ‘Mini Vinnies’ from Year 3 told us all about the Month of the Holy Rosary.

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