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Year 1

The Year 1 Readers of the Year!! Congratulations to Marshall, Kasia, Jake, Tawana, Fanuel, Tegan, Angela and Emilia....we're very proud of you!

Cress Planting

Miss Hackett brought in her pet Hermit Crabs to show Year 1. Some children really enjoyed looking at and holding Sheldon. Shelly was asleep in her shell!!

Year 1 and 2 performed their nativity this week. Keep checking for more pictures..

In the line at 5 to 9! Winners! Year 1 were the winners of the school 'In the line at 5 to 9' competition for the first half term. The class chose to have a McDonalds as their treat and have enjoyed it for lunch today! Take a look...

Science - In Year 1 we are beginning to learn about Animals and Humans. We have started by looking at the names of our body parts. Take a look at how we labelled each other...!

Dawn Robertson came into school during w/c 29th September to work with all classes in literacy. Mrs Robertson did a session with Years 1 and 2 based on a book called The Disgusting Sandwich! Following on from the session, Year 1 wrote disgusting ingredient lists and made a truly disgusting sandwich! Uuuurrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!

Welcome Back!!!


We are about to start the new school year so please keep checking on the class page for news, pictures and information about what's happening in Year 1 this year!

Year 1 Samba!


Still image for this video

Year 1 play Samba Music!

Year 1 Readers of the Year!!! Shia, Temmy, Joshua and Danielle! Well Done!

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