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Year 5

Our art lessons this half term have been about space. We have looked at retrofuturism art and specifically a piece called Moonwalk by Teis Albers. We then created our own collagraph printing plate to create a background for our art. Finally we sketched out our ideas before drawing the final piece onto our backgrounds. Take a look...

Monday 10th July - Science - Today we have carried out an experiment to make a parachute. The aim was to design the parachute that took the longest time to drop from the hall ceiling to the floor. We had to decide what size paper, what length of string and how much weight to use. We then made our parachutes and tested them out in the hall! Take a look...

w/c 10th July - This week we have had the Samba instruments out! We have learnt about the history of Samba music and how each of the instruments can be played to a specific rhythm. We have also composed our own rhythms and created our own mini performance for the rest of the class and school! We learnt that a repeated rhythm is known as an Ostinato. We also played a call and response piece with Mr Winstanley about Fish and Chips! Check out the video resource library for videos!

Monday 3rd July - The Chinese Teachers taught Year 5 the art of calligraphy today. The children learnt about the history of calligraphy and then used ink and a special calligraphy brush to create their own.

Thursday 25th May - Year 5 enjoyed the Pentecost Party arranged by Miss Rooney and Mrs Towey this afternoon. The Year 6 children helped run each of the activiites.

Tuesday 16th May - Well done to Noor, Kayleigh and Siver for delivering their collective worship today in class. They led the worship based on loving one another.

Friday 10th March - As part of Science week, the Year 5 children took part in a Developing Experts live lesson this morning!

Thursday 2nd March - Year 5 popped down to Nursery today to have a look at the chicks!

Tuesday 31st January - Today we used counters and cubes to investigate square and cube numbers!

Wednesday 14th December - Well done to Bailey, Goodluck and Sarah for delivering their collective worship today in class. They led the worship based on Peacemakers.

Tuesday 6th December - Mary, Elizabeth and Bailey were lucky to be chosen to attend the Manchester United Foundation 'Best Schol Day Ever!' today at Old Trafford. They had a great time working with the MUFC Executive Chef, designers from Adidas and the MUFC media team! As well as visiting the MUFC museum.

Wednesday 30th November - Year 5 took part in a disability awareness lesson today with Sophie from the Manchester United Foundation. They enjoyed the indoor curling and volleyball!

Wednesday 16th November - Year 5 welcomed their parents in this morning for their coffee morning.

During Black History Month - Year 5 have completed a number of activities in a small booklet. Carrying out research, learning about significant people and completing some fun activities.

Friday 14th October - Mrs Sterling visited class today to set the class off with a new art project. The children are designing new class logos! They each worked on their own idea to show what makes Year 5 so special.

Monday 10th October - Year 5 completed a number of activities today to recognise World Mental Health Day.

Tuesday 4th October 2022 - Well done to Sarah, Saniya, Kytel and Zaffer for attending the MUFC Leadership Academy today. They had a great time and learnt some of the skills essential for being a sports leader in school. They will put these skills to good effect in school through the year!

Friday 9th September - Year 5 impressed each other and their teachers today with their place value knowledge. Showing their understanding using manipulatives, bar models and part part whole models too! Well done!

Thursday 8th September - Today the children in Year 5 all spoke about their individual talents and skills. Whilst doing so, we unravelled some string which created a huge spider web! We learnt that although we are all individual, we are all part of the new Year 5 family and will work well as a team!

First week in Year 5 - The children all worked hard on agreeing the new Year 5 contract today!

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