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Gallery Archive: 2015-2016

The Year 3 and Year 4 trip to Manchester United! We all had a super time.

Year 6 End of Year Production - The Wizard of Oz

Year 5 and 6 went to Linnet Clough on their end of year trip. Everyone had a great time....take a look....

The Year 1 and Year 2 trip to Tatton Park. Everyone had a fantastic time.....take a look....

St Joseph's Penny Raffle Winners

The St Alphonsus Bake Off! Thank you to the children and parents for making the event fantastic! Take a look at some of the delicious entries....

The BBC Philharmonic! We had 3 visitors in school this week to work with some of the classes in a music session. The children and staff had a wonderful time learning about the different instruments and listening to the very talented trio!

...and the winners are......Congratulations to all the lucky children who were drawn out of the box to win one of the lovely prizes!

Christmas Assembly - The staff and friends of school have donated all sorts of wonderful presents in preparation for the Christmas Hamper token draw. Take a look at the wonderful hampers ready for the special Christmas Assembly. Fingers crossed for the lucky children who get their tokens drawn out of the box!!

Father Christmas visited our EYFS this week! He took a little bit of time out of his busy schedule to come and say hello to all our fantastic children!

The Year 1/2 Nativity Play

Year 5/6 Basketball Teams (Green vests A team, Orange vests B team). Taking part in the Trafford advanced and intermediate tournaments.

School Art Project - All classes worked with Mrs Fearnehough and their own class teachers to produce a wonderful piece of individual artwork. This culminated in a gallery being created in the hall during open afternoon where parents could view and purchase their child's paintings. Take a look at the gallery.

Stay Safe Assembly and Workshops. The NSPCC visited school this week and did a special assembly and 2 workshops working with the Year 5 and Year 6 children. The children learnt about staying safe in general including online.

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