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Year 1

Friday 9th February - Year 1 welcomed their families in today to watch them perform their class assembly.

November - We had fun playing the guess my animal game. It gave us a chance to ask about the different characteristics of amphibians, reptiles, and fish.

November - We loved learning about ‘The Day of the Dead’ and how it is a time to celebrate our loved ones. Take a look at our skeletons. We chalked the skeleton outline and then used straws for the bones. Rania and Logan did a super job of displaying theirs in the assembly.

Computing - Here we are practising our computer skills. We have learnt how to log onto the computers with our very own usernames and passwords and how to use our mouse. We played a fun jigsaw game so that we could practise our mouse skills. It was quite tricky because we’re all so used to touch screens now.

Continuous Provision - Here we are, busy in the continuous provision in year 1. Some children are enjoying playing in the dolls house which is linked to our R.E topic of families. Others have chosen to complete the number tracks in the maths provision and there’s lots of building going on. Children were excited to make a street which links to our geography topic.

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