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Year 6

Year 6 performed their wonderful leavers assembly this morning. They performed, sang and acted out their amazing talents to the whole school and their parents. Good luck on your future journey to High School!

July - Design & Technology - Year 6 designed and created a program which enabled them to count their steps using a micro:bit. They then wore their step counters to keep track of their steps during a fun run!

July - Computing: Year 6 had fun programming their micro:bits to make a basic compass.

Year 6 were extremely impressed and inspired by the Trophy Room in the Manchester United Museum.

Still image for this video

June - Art and Design: After creating a variety of pieces influenced by different artists using a range of mediums and using charcoal, erasers and paint to depict a composition of special objects, the children used these to create a personal memory box.

June - History: Today, Year 6 were very lucky to have a special visitor from the Old Trafford Historical Society come to speak about her experiences as a child growing up in Manchester during WWII. It was invaluable for the children to hear a personal account highlighting the impact that WWII had on the people of Old Trafford and the surrounding areas.

June - Art and Design: Year 6 explored painting with different tones and shades. They then used tones and shades of blue to create their still life composition in colour.

June - Computing: Year 6 were introduced to the micro:bit as a device that can be programmed. They familiarised themselves with the device itself and the programming environment, before creating their own programs. They then ran their programs on the device.

June - Physical Education: Year 6 enjoyed our RED Sports Day and even had a surprise visit from Fred the Red!

May - Science: Year 6 carried out an experiment which modelled the restriction of blood flow though different sized arteries.

Holy Week - The children in Year 3 and 4 depicted the Stations of the Cross using tableau. Year 6 visited each station and reflected on Jesus' suffering.

March 2024 - Design and Technology: Year 6 enjoyed designing and building their own playgrounds. Look at the fantastic structures that they created!

March 2024 - To celebrate World Book Day, Year 6 had the opportunity to wear comfortable clothing; bring their favourite book from home and read for pleasure in our outdoor classroom.

February 2024 - Art and Design: Year 6 turned their Käthe Kollwitz inspired drawings from a previous lesson into sculptures fit for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square.

February - Art and Design: Children applied tones of black and white paint to create a composition in the style of Picasso's 'Guernica'.

Celebration of the Word - Here are our wonderful children leading prayer and liturgy in Year 6 based on Revelations 21:1-5.

February 2024 - Computing: To design a game with variables. Year 6 designed their own catching game, making decisions about sprites and background. Then they created and improved their algorithms to make their game.

National Storytelling Week 2024: Year 6 participated in a live interactive story building event with author and poet, Steven Camden. Following on from this, the children then planned their own worlds and stories, using Steven's own creative process.

January 2024 - Geography: To identify human and physical features of South America.

January: Art and Design - To draw emotions. After viewing the emotive works of Käthe Kollwitz, our Year 6 children drew their own portraits using a series of lines and experimented with 'halo' and 'chiaroscuro' techniques.

January 2024: Computing – To explain why a variable is used in a program. Year 6 enjoyed creating a scoreboard project on Scratch. They named their variables ensuring that they were brief and clear.

January 2024: Religion – To understand the different kinds of books in the Bible. Year 6 practised looking up Bible references, for example Galatians 3:26-28. For each Bible reference, the children discussed which book it comes from; the genre and the main content.

December - Textiles: Waistcoats. Year 6 enjoyed designing, making and decorating their waistcoats. They are delighted with the end product!

Science: Electricity - To design and build a circuit that models traffic lights. Year 6 enjoyed the challenge of designing and building their own set of traffic lights by applying their prior scientific knowledge of electricity and electrical circuits.

November 2023: Physical Education - Disability Awareness and Inclusion - During their lesson with the Manchester Foundation coach, our Year 6 pupils learned how people with visual impairments can participate fully and effectively in sports. The children took part in a game of goalball and participated in other activities, which helped to nurture their respect and acceptance of people with disabilities.

Science: Electricity - Our Year 6 pupils investigated the effect of changing the number of cells and the number of bulbs on the brightness of a bulb.

Design and Technology – Textiles: Waistcoats. According to their waistcoat design, the Year 6 children prepared their fabric by cutting round templates and pinning the sections together ready to be stitched.

November 2023 – Limelight Library Visit. Year 6 enjoyed their trip to the library where they were given a guided tour; became library detectives exploring the library for evidence and were given the opportunity to borrow a book of their choice. They are looking forward to returning to the library with their families and borrowing more books!

October 2023 - Science: Investigating Light - Year 6 explored a range of light phenomena and optical instruments such as periscopes, microscopes, reflection, refraction and optical illusions.

October 2023 - Memorial Plaques. As part of our Day of the Dead celebrations, Year 6 designed and made memorial plaques for loved ones who have passed away. The plaques are a lovely way to remember friends and family members who have been lost and will make a beautiful keepsake for the children to treasure in the future.

October 2023 – Collaborative Litter Pick. Our Year 6 children and Year 4 Eco-Warriors worked together with children from the neighbouring Afifah School to clean up our local area. As you can see, it was a huge success with many bags of litter collected!

Friday 6th October - Year 6 performed their class assembly this morning on Black History Month.

September 2023 - Science: Year 6 observed how much light is reflected off different surfaces with the use of a reflective light catcher that we made.

Well done, Elizabeth! Winner of the Levenshulme High School/Manchester United Competition to design a 'Bee Friendly' pond! Elizabeth won a signed Manchester United football and her design will be used at the High School to inform the design of the new pond area! Well done!

September 2023 - Year 6 used a cardboard tube to explore how light travels; modelled how light travels in straight lines using a ribbon and drew scientific diagrams to represent light travelling from various light sources.

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