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Year 2

Year 2 Design Technology lesson: Making a healthy wrap using ingredients from all 5 food groups. The children worked in pairs to plan, make, taste and finally evaluate their wraps.

Friday 8th March - Year 2 welcomed their parents in to school this morning to watch their class assembly. The children were absolutely fantastic performing their assembly about being unique.

Wednesday 1st November - Yesterday, in Year 2, we had a very exciting morning celebrating Day of the Dead. We made a traditional Mexican hot chocolate drink. We used lots of ingredients: milk, 3 large bars of chocolate, evaporated milk, cinnamon and vanilla essence to make it really sweet and tasty. We smelt and learned about the different spices used in our recipe. We very carefully read and followed a set of instructions in order to make it. The best part of the lesson was of course the end because we were able to drink it all up. It was absolutely delicious!!

September - Today, in Year 2, we had lots of fun carrying out a Science investigation. We looked for the best material to keep Ted dry in the rain i.e. The best material to use for an umbrella. On the carpet we planned how we were going to carry out the investigation and what we would test. We planned an enquiry e.g. We will test tin foil, cotton, newspaper and cling film. We also made predictions based on our knowledge of the properties of different materials. We then carried the investigation out using simple equipment e.g. pipettes, measuring containers, tissues and a tray. We made careful observations e.g. we looked to see whether the water was sitting on the top of the material or whether it had been absorbed and/or dripped through. We recorded our findings/data on the flip chart and in our booklets. We also filled in a table of results. We then used our results to answer our questions and make conclusions. We knew the materials that Ted should use to make his umbrella.

The children went into the hall to create a time line. In groups they looked at a range of maps of London over hundreds of years and put them into chronological order on the time line. The maps showed them just how much London has grown and changed over time. They will now be focusing on London in 1666, looking at The Great Fire of London in particular.

21st September - Today, Year 2 and Year 5 joined forces to begin our display project in school. Each class is to produce a large quantity of hand prints to create a new rainbow display in school. Year 2 were given yellow and Year 5 indigo! The two classes worked together perfectly to create their hand prints ready to be cut out and create what should be a fantastic display! Keep your eyes peeled around school for the finished product! Take a look...

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