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Year 5

Year 5 and 6 performed their nativity this week, take a look at their fantastic performance...

Our Assembly!

Love, love, love....

Rusne describes the Year 5 Victorian Day...


Victorian day

First we boarded the coach to Riverside Primary School everyone was excited and giddy. I wondered what this day would hold for me…


After some time, we arrived at Riverside primary school. It was incredibly scary when the deputy head teacher told us to stand up straight and have our chins up and our shoulders back.  Inside the old building there were two classrooms, one downstairs and one upstairs. Upstairs there were lots of desks and chairs and in the corner stood a stool with a dunce’s hat on top. At the front of the classroom was Mrs Lahive’s desk and resting on the desk was a picture of Queen Victoria. Behind the desk there was an enormous chalk board with three sayings that we had to copy onto our pieces of paper.


After, we finished writing the Headmaster arrived. My knees were trembling!  Sharply, he yelled, “If you misbehave I won’t be called Mr. Walsh. I’ll be called Mr.Wack’em!” After he said that I was terrified and my knees continued to tremble.


Later, the girls took part in sewing which was calm and relaxing. We had to sew our initials onto some material. Meanwhile, the boys were outside doing drills with Mr Walsh.


Once those activities were completed we ate our lunch before taking a stroll to the promenade. Expectantly, we rode our bikes down the lane.  I was over-joyed.  The sea looked beautiful and was just like a scene from a postcard. Beside the sea was a little rock hill. Miss Regan chose some children to ride the bikes whilst everybody else sang Daisy Daisy.


After the promenade the girls carried on with their sewing while the boys did woodwork with France. It was really calm and quiet once again until the boys came in.


Following this, we had our inspection. The inspector was called Inspector Blenkinsop and he was scary!  A little later we hurried into the playground everyone sprinted onto the field .We all lined up to perform our dance for Daisy Daisy and we sang it perfectly.


Finally, we strode into the hall to have our PARTAY! We had some lemonade and some cakes and tarts. Mrs Lahive put some pop music on and everyone was dancing. After a while we had to leave and everyone was miserable.  We boarded the coach and everybody waved goodbye to Riverside Primary School…

Welcome Back!!!


We are about to start the new school year so please keep checking on the class page for news, pictures and information about what's happening in Year 5 this year!

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