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Year 3

Thursday 7th November - 5 of our Year 3 children were lucky enough to be mascots tonight at the Manchester United vs PAOK match at Old Trafford! The children walked out onto the pitch before the game with the players from both teams!

Celebration of The Word – Responding To Sacred Scripture - We have examined Holy Scripture (Isaiah 43:1) and (Isaiah 49:16) discussing and recording what this means to us, how it makes us feel and how this special Word of God can inspire us in our Year 3 family.

The Chocolate Rock Investigation - 20.9.24 - We investigated how igneous rocks are formed by making chocolate rocks- using different types of chocolate to represent different minerals and applied heat then cooled them to demonstrate the process of how intrusive igneous rocks are made. An example of an intrusive igneous rock is granite. Do you have any granite surfaces in your kitchen?

The Pebble In My Pocket - In Literacy, over the past few weeks we have been reading The Pebble In My Pocket written by Meredith Hooper. We observed the rock that Mrs Towey found on her visit to the beach in Anglesey. We thought of questions we would like to ask it and explored ‘I wonder...’ statements to ponder over its journey through time. As a class, we sequenced the journey of the pebble through time.

PE - This half term we are practising our skills in gymnastics. We worked in pairs to make point and patch balances. We loved sharing and evaluating our sequences.

Music - We have listened to and reflected on a fantastic piece of orchestral music : ‘In The Hall Of The Mountain King’ by composer Edvard Grieg. We drew pictures of the characters and story in response to this music. We look forward to inventing our own musical motifs and structuring them into a piece to perform as an ensemble.

Champion Achievers - A well-deserved congratulations Year 3, on being awarded ‘Class of The Week’! during this half term. The children loved playing with Mrs Towey’s toys from when she was a child and also playing with Year 3 activities and exploring the learning areas.

Art - Over the next half term, we are becoming ‘Growing Artists’. In our first couple of lessons, we have learned to see like an artist, recognising how to observe and draw simple shapes in objects and exploring organic and geometric shapes in the environment. We then used shapes to form the basis of our still life observational drawings.

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