St Alphonsus RC Primary School
Curriculum Statement
St Alphonsus RC Primary School aims to fulfill the curriculum aspects of our Mission Statement
God lives in me. I am His witness.
I respect everybody, everybody respects me.
In our loving school, everyone is unique.
Just like the flowers in the field, as they
grow, we too grow in God’s love each day.
At St Alphonsus RC Primary School, we also aim to systematically review and amend existing curriculum policy documents in line with:
The National Curriculum
Come and See – Salford Diocese RE Syllabus
Life to the Full – Relationships Education scheme approved by Salford Diocese
At St Alphonsus RC Primary School, we believe children learn best through an engaging and creative approach to the curriculum. We aim to develop our pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding by encouraging them to make links with their learning in a range of different contexts.
We place great emphasis upon educating the 'whole child', and ensuring that each child achieves success in at least one field. Great care is taken to make the whole curriculum accessible to every learner regardless of ability, aptitude or attitude. Our curriculum is intended to be progressive, building on prior learning and to actively encourage children to have purposeful, memorable experiences. We advocate that teachers use a variety of teaching and learning styles, where we aim to develop pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills through engaging activities which are set in a meaningful context.
We take great pride in ensuring our pupils are equipped and ready to face the challenges ahead of them as polite, tolerant, caring and respectful citizens in the wider community.